Friday, September 11, 2015

Journal #1

Front cover of The Offical Guide to Paris No. 1 from Spring 2012, published by Les Éditions Jalou in Paris, France. 
From the archives of Les Éditions Jalou, found on

I chose this magazine cover because it features the Modern Roman typeface, Didot, which is used on many fashion magazines for it's neoclassical look. This cover also has Chinese type, which we looked at in class in Night Shining White, that had Chinese woodblock moveable type.

Vintage Printer Drawer for Woodblock Letterpress, $77.00. Found on Ebay from seller wehavituneedit.

This drawer is similar to the ones that we looked at in class, where the fonts are stored in two different cases to separate upper case from lowercase letters. These drawers have individual slots for each letter to keep them upright.  The seller didn't indicate what year these drawers are from, but they could date back as far as Guttenburg's time.

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