Friday, November 13, 2015

Journal #10

M&M Facebook Advertisement 
Created by Mars Candy, 2010
This advertisement for pretzel M&Ms brings to life the M&M and the pretzel by giving them humanistic qualities. The use of personification in advertisements is also seen in George Lois' Wolfschimdt's Vodka Life Magazine ad from 1960. These weekly ads followed the story line of the vodka bottle and a fruit or vegetable having a humorous conversation, which is also used in the pretzel M&M advertisement. 

Superbad Intro credits
Produced by Judd Apatow 2008
The opening credits to the movie Superbad show the silhouette of the main actors, Michael Cera and Jonah Hill, dancing. The simplicity of just two colors, shapes and music as opening credits for a movie started with Saul Bass. His introductions for Psycho, North by Northwest, Mad Mad Mad World, and other Alfred Hitchcock movies. 

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